This article (Driving Adoption of Visual Collaboration Technology, by David Danto) was recently included in a UC industry newsletter. Though from September 2014, for the most part, this article still stands. It addresses many critical strategies...
Read moreA Day in the Life, Without UCC
Several months ago, we received a call, rather distraught. The company was familiar with unified communications and collaboration (UCC), in fact, they couldn’t live without it…they were attempting to switch providers and their service had been...
Read moreCloud Communications, Interview with OCN’s CSO
Since 2007, OneCloud Networks has been a BroadSoft service provider, providing VoIP voice and data solutions to customers across the US and Canada,
Read moreCloud PBX & UC: Turning a Cost Center into a Revenue Generator
Co-working spaces, executive offices, membership “clubs,” serviced office leases…there are many names for this trend. Analysts estimate it is a $2B business and growing! From entrepreneurs to solo practitioners to small groups to employees of...
Read moreUC + CRM, Why the Buzz?
Having run the gamut from telephony (when people were still debating about whether land line or cell phone was going to win the race, and many felt the land line would never die!) to enterprise systems that change or consolidate acronyms like...
Read moreUnified Communications and the Rise of Telemedicine
Telemedicine is broadly defined as the use of telecommunications and information technologies to provide clinical healthcare when healthcare professionals and patients are not at the same physical location.
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