There are two different types of workers in a modern workplace – those who work on-site, and those who work remotely. What interests employers and those higher-up in the chain of command is that the remote workers are more engaged, focused...
Read moreVoIP – Your Guide To The Communication System Of The Future
In the world of modern technology, even the phone system is being replaced. In many offices, phones are used to contact colleagues for a voice call, and it functioned flawlessly well for years. However, the modern offices can now use various...
Read moreBusinesses Increase Productivity By Switching To Unified Communications Systems
As a modern-day business, upgrading to a more contemporary communication system is something which should be done on instinct. With all of the merits which come from Unified Communications, there is no reason why any business should not find...
Read moreEmpower Your Modern Workforce with UCaaS
In a modern world, there’s often a minimal choice for a lot of companies but to upgrade and embrace the new methods of communication and working. In fact, it’s the most likely path to success, as those who resist run the risk of becoming...
Read moreIs Your Phone System Holding You Back or Helping You Fly
Modern communications are essential to meet today’s business demands. Mobile workers; rapid market change; increasing customer expectations; rising employee expectations; collaboration with suppliers, partners and customers; lower cost...
Read more8 Cool Things You Can Do with UC
By now you’ve heard all about unified communications, the cloud, and all the promise of a worry-free, modern communications system. Most people think they have it covered,
Read moreYour Phone System No Longer Meets Your Needs
The business phone system is arguably the most critical business tool for most organizations. Yet many phone system decision makers do not fully understand or appreciate today’s modern communication environments. Often people only consider...
Read moreThe Modern House Call: Video Medical Consults
As a followup to our post a few weeks back, sharing with you a recent article on the rise of telemedicine and doctors making “house calls” via video. Unified communications is a critical component and catalyst for this service.
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